Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kaeng Raeng Cleanse: Day 2

I forgot to pack my lunch smoothing mix to bring to work today, hopefully the day will be ok without it. I did pack plenty of fresh raw veggies and fruit, so I think I will be good.

9:30 am: Luckily my morning smoothie made more than normal, so I think I can get by with drinking half of it, and it is delicious!

11:00 am: So far today, I have some cravings, but they are definitely not as intense as yesterday. I had some celery and carrots as a snack, they are quite flavorful and are filling.

1:00 pm: Was doing so well until now, we have a warm food lunch n' learn in the office and the food smells so good. I haven't given in yet, but the cravings are back.

4:00 pm: Made it through the afternoon while only having one spoonfull of rice, not bad

7:00 pm: Just finished a run and I feel great. For dinner I am having a shake mixed with a little bit of plain Greek Yogurt and a banana. Yum

8:00 pm: I had two mushrooms that Tim didn't eat out of his Chicken Pot Pie. I think this cleanse/detox is working because those mushrooms tasted too salty, I had to drink a whole glass of water afterwards, just to get the overly salty taste out of my mouth.

So far so good!

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